Most important problem which is faced by every new designer
is to make or create layout. To create more professional good looking layout
you need lots of hard work and practice. For creating layout you must know
which type of layout you are creating. it is fixed fluid or responsive which
one is this? If you are creating fixed layout you must have understanding of
fixed layout. Our layout contain on few things thinking designing and coding. Before
making layout you must have knowledge of advantages and disadvantages and the
screen resolution of layout. Today I am going to explain these things.
Fixed Width Layout
To create fixed width layout we set particular width to our
website. As we set 960px for the screen resolution for 1024*768 and our
websites looks better on this screen resolution. We set 760px for the screen
resolution of 800*600 the website with 760px looks great on 800*600 resolutions.
But now days web designer select 1024*768 resolution and higher.
Advantage of Fixed Layout
- First advantage of fixed layout is this type of layout is easy to use and you customize it easily.
- You don’t need min-width and max-width which are not supported by all browsers
Disadvantages of fixed layout
- The devices with smaller screen resolution require horizontal scroll bar according to fixed width of layout.
- The small width layout (760px) may not look great on large screen resolution.
Center layout
In fixed layout you need to center the your main wrapper to
set the margin:0 auto; on other condition your whole layout move to one corner
and it not look great.
Creating fixed layout
Thinking and sketching.
First and important part for creating professional layout to
thinking. Think out of box try to think some thing different from other don’t
copy the styles of other but get ideas
from others design. After thinking sketch the your design on the paper
After thinking and sketching your design give it color and
design on softwares such as Photoshop and illustrator. It is main part in which you design your ideas and your thinking and give it new shape.
Now it time to code the design the most difficult part is to design and thinking creative design but if you have good knowledge of language such as html, css, and javascript you can easily code your design without facing any difficulty.Conclusion
Now friend i think you can design a layout and you have all information which you need to create a fixed layout. Inshallah in the future we will discuss other types of layout. But remember one thing which i forgot to mention above is that first time when you create you make lots of mistake but don't get disappoint try again and again you will be succeed. Remember in your prayers and don't forget to share post with your friends.
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